That which does not kill us, makes us stronger. - Nietzsche

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Air Force Marathon pics!!

I just realized, after posting my horrific Cincinnati Half pics, I never did post my (much better) marathon pics!! These are pretty much the only race pics I've really liked, ever, but some of them are great!!!

First of all, not a race pic, but long overdue: me outside the expo with Mary the Bear!! Mary belongs to another blogger, Little Miss Runshine. She's being passed around to other bloggers for their first marathons, for luck and encouragement, and everyone does a short writeup in Mary's passport. RB had her for the Pig, and I was actually a bit excited that I DIDN'T run the Pig, because I got Mary all to myself for my first marathon!

And...the race pics!!

I love this one!! I saw the camera way back, so I was cheesing. I look like I'm running in slow motion!

I also love this one. I look like such a badass. (Marathon buddy Katie is behind me!)

Aaaand then we have 18 or so miles later. Not quite as happy!
But as tired as I was, they still got me in midair!! My first airborne running pic - yay!!
This is just funny. I managed to do a victory pose. I just forgot to make my face convey the same emotion.
OK, really. Aren't you done taking pictures yet? (Check it out - the photog is at the top of a hill, in the hot sun, about 23 miles in. That's just a cruel place to be creating permanent memories!)

This is actually halfway cute, except that I have exhaustion written all over my face...and my shirt was bleeding!
<3 Husband <3! And <3 shiny things! <3
And of course, running buddy!!!

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