Monday: 4.7ish miles. 52 minutes and change.
Tuesday: 4.5 miles. Speedwork. Couldn't stand the thought of the treadmill and the weather was so perfect for running (besides the 20 mph wind gusts), so I did intervals on the bike trail - 2.5 minute easy warmup, then 2.5 minutes hard, 2.5 minutes easy. 9 repeats. Kicked my butt in a really good way. Time: 48:13. Actually, after the warmup, I did 4 miles in 41-42 minutes, which means my hard intervals must've been pretty hard indeed.
Today: circuit class. Good stuff.
Tomorrow: rest
Friday: run like hell 5k!! NO pressure, NO time goal, all fun.
There's no long run on the training plan this week. I may throw in another 6 miler anyway, for giggles. And maybe get another deliciously amazing frozen banana treat afterwards.
I hope the 5K was fun!